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Bitycle, trading learning platform with artificial intelligence

The most comprehensive trading portfolio of digital currencies

Analyze your behavior in the best way with Bitycle trading portfolio.

Comprehensive statement and analysis📊

In Bitycle's portfolio, you can manage all your demo trading accounts and exchanges seamlessly from one dashboard and share each one as you wish with your mentor and friends. Also, account balance, draw down. You can monitor the profit and loss (P&L), the level of activity and the errors and approvals of the intelligent robot.

my record

Journal graphic analysiGraphical analysisnalysis📊

In the Bitycle trading report section, you can have a schematic and graphical comprehensive analysis of your registered journals and have a better view of your behavior and performance in each of your demo and exchange trading accounts.

Trading history on the charTransaction history the chart📈

In Bitycle's trading portfolio, you will be able to view all your transactions on the analysis chart of each market at the same time, and you will have a more comfortable user experience when checking your right or wrong behavior and the market's reaction to your transactions.

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Tehran, Azadi Square, Azadi Innovation Factory, DigiNext Hall

How does Bitycle help you?Bitycle is a digital currency smart assistant that provides users with all the tools needed to succeed in digital currency trading. In Bitycle, you have access to all digital currency training and trading tools such as free trading view, trade assistant and robot, training assistant, academy and trade terminal.