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Experience the digital currency market with artificial intelligence!

Bitycle, trading learning platform with artificial intelligence

In Bitycle, enter the digital currency market with the help of artificial intelligence and learn trading in an interactive and experience-oriented way.

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Best way of training crypto currency

1- Trading with virtual money

1- Trading with virtual money

After registering and activating the free subscription, you will receive $10,000 virtual money, and you can create multiple trading accounts with different settings and strategies, and continuously gain experience by trading in the simulator space.

2- Receiving feedback from artificial intelligence

2- Receiving feedback from artificial intelligence

By making trades in the simulator space, Bitycle's artificial intelligence bot will give you feedback. Artificial intelligence designs specific exercises based on your level of knowledge, experience and trading behavior.

3- Evaluation of trading behavior

3- Evaluation of trading behavior

After receiving feedback from artificial intelligence, we evaluate your trading behavior to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Main features of training platform of financial markets

Smart and professional

Smart and professional

With the help of Bitycle artificial intelligence, we always check your trading behavior to provide the best feedback to improve it.

Interactive and experience-oriented

Interactive and experience-oriented

Our approach is to transform knowledge into skills based on experience. If you do not have enough knowledge and experience to enter the trading world, we will provide it to you.

Your exclusive

Your exclusive

Your training path is determined by AI and tailored to your trading behavior, knowledge and level.

The book and educational video are good, but..زیاد book and educational video are good, but...

We all have the experience of riding a bicycle, but none of us learned to ride a bicycle by reading books and watching educational videos, because we were sure that the best way to learn to ride a bicycle is to pedal. At Bitycle, we have made it possible to experience while learning, and we will turn you into a professional trader in the same way that you learned to ride a bicycle.

An emotional entry into the digital currency market is expensive!

The best way to become a trader is to gain experience, but experience in the financial market leads to many losses. Based on this, Bitycle has provided a safe platform for gaining experience to strengthen your trading skills by working in the simulator environment. In this way, we will provide you with everything you need, including educational content, exclusive training, and the possibility of interacting with Bitycle's artificial intelligence, so that you can finally become an experienced trader..

Try Bitycle for free.

Try Bitycle for free.

Try Bitycle now, and upgrade your subscription if needed.

Symbols, licenses, honors

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آرزوی کریپتویی ها محقق شد! ترامپ فرمان اجرایی ذخایر استراتژیک بیت کوین را امضا کرد!

دونالد ترامپ در یک حرکت تاریخی و انقلابی فرمان اجرایی برای بررسی ایجاد ذخایر استراتژیک بیت کوین را امضا کرد که گامی بزرگ در جهت پذیرش بیت کوین در سطح ملی محسوب می‌شود!

حدود 16 ساعت قبل
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به عقیده این تحلیلگر، بیت کوین هنوز با سقف قیمتی چرخه صعودی کنونی فاصله دارد!

با وجود رشد اخیر بیت کوین، آلت کوین شرپا، تحلیلگر برجسته، معتقد است که بازار گاوی هنوز به پایان نرسیده و بیت کوین همچنان پتانسیل صعود بیشتری دارد. به گفته او، نشانه‌های شور و هیجان بازار هنوز به اوج خود نرسیده و چند رشد قدرتمند دیگر ممکن است در پیش باشد.

حدود 17 ساعت قبل
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به دستور بانک مرکزی، واریز ریالی مستقیم به صرافی ها هم بسته شد!

بانک مرکزی، پس از مسدودسازی درگاه‌های پرداخت صرافی‌های ارز دیجیتال از تاریخ ۶ دی‌ماه، گامی دیگر در محدودسازی این حوزه برداشته است. در اقدام اخیر، فرآیند واریز مستقیم ریالی به صرافی‌های داخلی نیز با محدودیت‌های جدی مواجه شده است. این تصمیم که پس از درخواست ارائه اطلاعات کاربران به شاپرک صورت گرفته، موجی از اعتراض …

1 روز قبل

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Tehran, Azadi Square, Azadi Innovation Factory, DigiNext Hall

How does Bitycle help you?Bitycle is a digital currency smart assistant that provides users with all the tools needed to succeed in digital currency trading. In Bitycle, you have access to all digital currency training and trading tools such as free trading view, trade assistant and robot, training assistant, academy and trade terminal.