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Bitycle, trading learning platform with artificial intelligence

The latest trading tools and services

Increase the efficiency of your trades by using Bitycle's smart services.

Trade terminal🏆

Most of the traders have accounts in several Iranian and foreign exchanges, and managing them all is a difficult task. You can connect all your domestic and foreign exchange accounts in the Bitycle Trade Terminal and manage them in one place along with all smart services. And don't worry about your exchange accounts being blocked due to IP change.

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Smart trading assistanTrade assistantassistant🚀

The extent of the digital currency market is not hidden from anyone. No human being can monitor more than 1500 markets in small to large time frames in order to find the desired trading position. You will be able to determine your trading strategy by using Bitycle trade assistant. You will be informed at any time of the day and night in any market and stay away from the market.

Trading journal📒

Earning continuous profits from the digital currency market requires discipline and perseverance in transactions. You must record all the details and events of your trades so that you can monitor and analyze your performance at regular times. It is automatically recorded and analyzed. You can also manually add items to your journal in each transaction.

Transaction record📊

In Bitycle, you will have the possibility to have an automatic report of your profit and loss in all your trading accounts and monitor your performance improvement. On the other hand, you can share your track record with mentors and experts, as well as your micro-transactions. See on the chart.

Trading room💬

Certainly, not all of us have enough expertise and skills to find profitable trading positions, or even if we have enough expertise, we may not be able to spend enough time on this task. Within Bitycle, analytical and expert teams create various trading rooms that you can join You can view and copy an identified trading position with all the characteristics of entry price and exit price, profit limit and loss limit.

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Tehran, Azadi Square, Azadi Innovation Factory, DigiNext Hall

How does Bitycle help you?Bitycle is a digital currency smart assistant that provides users with all the tools needed to succeed in digital currency trading. In Bitycle, you have access to all digital currency training and trading tools such as free trading view, trade assistant and robot, training assistant, academy and trade terminal.