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Bitycle, trading learning platform with artificial intelligence

Free and unlimited use of TradingView

Use all the features of Trading View for free by using Bitycle charting infrastructure

Accurate and updated data💯

One of the requirements of a correct and high-quality analysis is access to unlimited and accurate data. In Bitycle Charting, you have free access to all price data of the digital currency market in real time and in various time frames.

Free trading view

Unlimited infrastructurunlimitedd infrastructure🚀

Activists of the digital currency market have extensive analyzes of different markets, which are faced with different challenges to maintain, update and store them, such as buying a trading view. In Bitycle charting, you can use unlimited different indicators at the same time, as many as you like. Save analysis and templates and personalize your analysis environment.

Exclusive add-onexclusivee add-ons🛠️

In Bitycle charting infrastructure, in addition to common algorithms and indicators, various indicators and strategies are added day by day, which will be exclusively available in Bitycle. Also, various capabilities are added to this infrastructure that are exclusive to Bitycle, which can be subscribed to. He named live analysis, replay and replay market.

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Try Bitycle for free.

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Tehran, Azadi Square, Azadi Innovation Factory, DigiNext Hall

How does Bitycle help you?Bitycle is a digital currency smart assistant that provides users with all the tools needed to succeed in digital currency trading. In Bitycle, you have access to all digital currency training and trading tools such as free trading view, trade assistant and robot, training assistant, academy and trade terminal.